Professional webshop development

We create, design and build powerful and professional webshop with a user-friendly CMS system. From a full-service approach we can build or optimize every imaginable type of webshop, which is easy for you to manage.

We are experts in building webshops using WordPress and WooCommerce. The advantage of combining these 2 systems is the user friendliness and the possibility to extend the webshop at any time with additional modules.

Our webshop packages and prices



Custom Made
A template defines the design of your website which can be personalized with your content.
The pages shop, cart, my account and finalize order are automatically included. You can add more pages at any time.
We add the first 10 products. The rest of the products can be easily added by you at any moment.
Homepage slider
A static slider means you can display one or more images in a carrousel, without animation
SEO optimized
The webshop is SEO optimized which means it will be found easily by search engins
PayPal & Creditcard
Google Maps
Social Media
Page Builder
Google Analytics
Product filters
Custom Invoices


Custom Made
A template defines the design of your website which can be personalized with your content.
The pages shop, cart, my account and finalize order are automatically included. You can add more pages at any time.
We add the first 100 products. The rest of the products can be easily added by you at any moment.
Homepage slider
Interactive, 1 slide
An interactive slider means you can display one or more images and texts in a carrousel, with animation
SEO optimized
Standard Plus
We install an additional SEO module. After the delivery of the website you can easily add important keywords and SEO descriptions.
Standard Plus
PayPal & Creditcard
Google Maps
Social Media
Page Builder
Google Analytics
Product filters
Custom Invoices


Custom Made
A template defines the design of your website which can be personalized with your content.
The pages shop, cart, my account and finalize order are automatically included. You can add more pages at any time.
We add the first 300 products. The rest of the products can be easily added by you at any moment.
Homepage slider
Interactive, 3 slides
An interactive slider means you can display one or more images and texts in a carrousel, with animation
SEO optimized
We install an additional SEO module and for each page we add important keywords and SEO discriptions provided by you.
PayPal & Creditcard
Google Maps
Social Media
Page Builder
Google Analytics
Product filters
Custom Invoices

All packages can be extended with additional modules. You can also combine each package with any of our other services such as, Webhosting, Graphic Design and Online Marketing.

Modulair working method

We work with modules when building webshops. During the orientation meeting we discuss which functionalities are needed for your webshop. Based on this meeting we select the modules you need to achieve this. This way you never pay too much for functionalities you don’t use, only for what you essentially need.

The more modules you choose, the more discount you will receive! It’s always possible to extend your webshop with more modules at any time.

Based on our experience building webshops we have combined several standard packages (see above). Each package can be extended with additional modules and can be combined with our other services such as Webhosting, Graphic Design and Online Marketing.

Additional Webshop Modules

Payment Methods

By default it’s possible to let your customers pay via PayPal or CreditCard.

If you would like to offer more payment methods we can integrate practically any payment provider with you webshop.

Please feel free to contact us to select the payment methods suitable for your situation


In a webshop you have 3 kinds of forms:

  • A contactform (for a customer to contact you with a standard question)
  • A registrationform (for customers to register themselves on your webshop)
  • A checkout-form (where customers fill in all the data needed to place an order)

By using our Form Module it’s possible to personalize on or more forms. This means you can add, modify or remove fields on your forms.

Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Mega Menu

Most of the websites on the internet use a “flat” menu structure. At the top of the website you’ll see a number of buttons that expand with a submenu when you click on it or hover over it.

With a Mega Menu the idea is the same, but yet there is a big difference. When someone clicks on a button in the main menu a large block appears. Within this big block you can, possibly in different columns and with pictures, place multiple subcategories visually appealing way.

Would you like to know more about our Mega Menu module? Please feel free to contact us.

Shipment methods

With this modules you have various possibilities.


For example, you can offer your customers to pick up their order in your store instead of shipping it to their shipment address. Shipping can be handled by any shipping company you wish. Various shipping companies can be fully integrated with your webshop for a better workflow.

It’s also possible to charge shipping costs depending on the total price, the weight and the shipment destination of the order.

Feel free to contact us for more information about shipment methods.

Multilingual webshop

Would you like to reach visitors from different countries? Then it makes sense to make use of our multilingual Module.

Using the Multilingual Module you can have one and the same website in different languages. The website automatically recognizes what country the visitor is located in, and displays the website in the language that applies for that visitor.

You can build your website in as many languages as you like.

Would you like to a multilingual website? Or do you already have a WordPress Website that you want to extend with multiple languages? Please feel free to contact us!

Dynamic prices

With our dynamic prices Module it’s possible to easily add special pricing rules.

For example, you can give special prices to customers who made orders on your webshop in the past. Or you can add a price discount to customers in a specific customer group or customers from a specific location.

The possibilities are very advanced. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Live Chat

Maybe you have already experienced it. You are on a website and suddenly a window pops up that says “can I help you?”.

Through our Live Chat module you can directly get in touch with your (potential) customers visiting your website. By logging into the system, you can see how many people are viewing your website at that time. You can wait until the visitor starts a chat, or you can start chatting with a visitor directly with a personal message.

Contact us about the possibilities with our Live Chat Module.

Booking system

The Booking System Module is suitable for:

  • Bed & Breakfasts (book rooms)
  • Hotels (book rooms or additional services)
  • Restaurants (book tables)
  • Companies which organizes events (sell tickets)
  • and much more…

Our booking system is very advanced and user friendly. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Interactive slider

An interactive slider can be somewhat compared to a PowerPoint presentation. It’s a slideshow of various images, texts and/or videos which can rotate and move. You place the slider (mostly) at the top of the home page of your website, but actually can be placed on every page.

Sliders are often used on business websites with different slides describing the services of the company. One advantage of an interactive slider is that the services or products are visually appealing displayed to the visitors.

It is important to only choose a slider when using it in a correct way. You do this by only displaying meaningful information and don’t make it too chaotic so you can lose the focus of the visitors.

We are specialized in creating effective and visually appealing sliders. Please feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.

Blog / News

You have probably already heard of it, blogging. Through the Blog module, you can post news items on your website and share it with your visitors.

You can organize any news item in a relevant category and fill it with texts, images and videos using a so-called WYSIWYG editor (what you see is what you get). For example, if you are used to write your text in Microsoft Word, then it’s a breeze for you to work with this WYSIWYG editor.

It’s possible to show a summary of your recent blog items on your homepage. It is also possible to connect the Blog Module to your social media accounts, such as Facebook. The news posts posted on your website will then automatically appear on your Facebook page, or vice versa.

Would you like to start your own blog website? Please contact us about the possibilities.


FAQ is short for Frequently Asked Questions.

It can make sense to have a FAQ section on your website with the answers to questions frequently asked by your customers. This allows you to refer your customers directly to this page to find an answer to their question, before they contact you.

This way, you can save time by not having to answer the same questions time and time again.

Example FAQ

What does FAQ mean
FAQ is short for Frequently Asked Questions.
Can I have a FAQ section on my website?
Of course, please contact us to discuss the possibilities.


Do you regularly have news or special offers that you want to share with your clients and websHOP visitors? Then our newsletter Module is the right choice for you.

A newsletter system is part of one of our other services: email marketing. Using email marketing you can send emails to your prospects and/or customers. By applying email marketing you get directly into the mailbox of your clients and you can build a personal connection; because you can personalize emails. The great advantage of email marketing is that you can actually communicate via mass communication in a very personal way. The system we work with is Mailchimp: an easy-to-use newsletters system.

When using the newsletter Module, we place a form on your website where a visitor can subscribe to your newsletter by entering their email address. The email address is then automatically added to your contacts list in Mailchimp. You can then organize these contacts into groups.

From Mailchimp you can create personalized email templates. Do you want to send a new newsletter? Then you choose the desired template, the desired contacts list, you write the news message and click Send. Later you can review the statistic page to see how many of your contacts have read the newsletter.

Need more information about the newsletter Module and email Marketing? Please feel free to contact us.

Social Media

Using the Social Media Module, you can link your webshop to all your Social Media channels.

We can place icons on your webshop with a link to your Social Media accounts. You can also let your visitors share specific pages or news articles on your webshop through Social Media.

In addition, you can create a direct link between your webshop and for example your Facebook account. When you have a news item on your webshop, it will appear automatically on your Facebook timeline, or vice versa. As a result, you save time posting news items on only one location.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities with this Social Media Module? Please feel free to contact us.


Other than the additional modules described above, there are many more functionalities which can be integrated with WooCommerce, such as:

  • Personalized emails
  • Personalized PDF facturen
  • Request a Quote
  • Advanced Export of your online store
  • Product Comparison
  • Product Filters
  • Quick View
  • Registration approval
  • And much more…

Are you looking for a specific functionality for your webshop which you don’t see in above list? Surely we will have the perfect solution for this!

Feel free to contact us and be advised by our experts!

Are you looking for a specific functionality for your webshop which you don’t see in above list? Surely we will have the perfect solution for this!

Feel free to contact us and be advised by our experts!

Interested in a quote without any compromises?


All prices are excluding VAT. Private accounts within the European Union pay 21% VAT. Business accounts outside the Netherlands but within the EU and all customers outside the EU will not be charged with VAT.